An experiment of light, material, and space.
The assignment had been given with Sputnik as a theme. I did an experiment with iridescent foil which has a strong character. Its effect with light reminds me of space and Aurora. Furthermore, we could learn many things related to light by using this material as the main element, such as the reflection, refraction, and shadow.
I did an experiment with many positions and angles of the light, different kind of light sources and shape of the foil. In the end, I found the shape of the foil and a certain angle of light which creates the strongest effect.
A revolving system, which is one of the characteristics of the universe, has been applied to show different effects from different angles of the light. To achieve it, I used a rotating motor which is mounted on the ceiling. A cool white LED spotlight is used to project the light to the foil.


Year 2013
Type of Project Master Program Assignment, Kinetic Light Installation
Materials wood board and stick, copper pipe, iridescent foil, rotating motor, cool white LED spotlight, battery